Information on the topics of assistance, claim to benefits, compulsory Insurance, premium reduction and stay in the EU/EFTA or in UK
Persons who work or live in Switzerland are subect to compulsory health insurance in accordance with KVG (Federal Act on Health Insurance). An exemption from the compulsory health insurance is possible in specific situations.
MorePersons who belong to a statutory health insurance system in EU/EFTA/UK are entitled to medically necessary treatment during a stay in Switzerland, which cannot be postponed until the planned return to their home country.
MoreAnyone who is insured in Switzerland, resides in the EU, Iceland, Norway or UK and lives in modest economic circumstances is entitled to a reduction in health insurance premiums.
MoreDid you receive an invoice rejection? You can find the necessary information here.
MoreSie planen einen vorübergehenden Aufenthalt in der EU, EFTA oder im UK? Was ist, wenn Sie krank werden oder verunfallen? Sie finden hier wichtige Informationen zum Krankenversicherungsschutz im Ausland.
MoreInformation for persons who are insured with a health insurance in the EU/EFTA or UK